Children's Dental

A Child's First Appointment

All children should visit the dentist by their first birthday. This allows your dentist to get a good idea of the current state of your child’s teeth, how they are developing, and potentially identify any existing dental problems or get ahead of any issues before they develop into something more serious. 


Orthodontic Issues

A wide array of orthodontic issues can be identified relatively early in childhood. Crowding can commonly occur in the teeth of young children as their adult teeth come through while their jaw bones are still growing. Early intervention orthodontics procedures allow us to ensure your child’s teeth grow correctly and healthily.

Medicare Child Dental Benefit Scheme (CDBS)

The team at Redland Bay Smiles are participating in the Medicare Child Dental Benefit Scheme (CDBS). CDBS provides dental benefits for eligible children aged between 2-17 years, capped at $1000 over two calendar years. Eligible family members will receive a letter from Medicare starting eligibility, and it will be determine each calendar year.

Under the CDBS at Redland Bay Smiles wervices will all be bulk billed, so you won’t have any out of pocket expenses!